Erl (Edwin Erlbacher): I can see that you did not understand my use of the term "show." There will be a portion of the parking lot roped off for members cars that will be judged or displayed - that is the "Show." Usually the adjacent area has Brand X, tow vehicles and visitors cars. These visitor cars can be quite interesting - I remember Sharknose Grahams, Avantis, Hudson Club Coupes, and a Chrysler Airflow coupe (!) at previous Nationals. Since some of these cars are there for a short period of time, they tend to get a lot of immediate attention.
So my use of the term "show" was that you couldn't park in the roped off area. You show up and the people in charge of the parking lot (that's the Club VP, right Jim?) would try to get you as close as possible. Neither you or your Darrin will be ignored.