The idea of factory-based judging is not new. In fact, the complete set (based on available information at the timne) of factory based detail information was completed well before 1995. Problem was that those running the show back then decided such material would only "confuse" everyone and that even if used, the information should be on a "need to know" basis & the only one's needing to know were the judges themselves!
The following points must be understood by ALL to fix the judging system:
1. If the overhaul is to work, the information will either have to be posted on the web for people to look at and download. The club cannot afford to print out 400+ page comnplete set of guidelines for all cars to all members getting publicatiuons (Associate members do not get publications).
2. While the historical resources are extensive, they may not be 100% complete. It is possible that members who don't want to share information may bring things out at a later date as "proof" it is impossible to create a foolproof system. We work with what we have and update as new information comes out & pass the information out to the membership as best as possible.
3. Besides settling questions with factory information, the club needs to set up a good training program for judges. How about it naysayers? Do you want to be part of a solution to a problem or will you just crawl under a rock?
4. Based on the successful test of using a DVD disc (4GB capacity) vs. a regular data CD (approx. 760 MB or about 20-25% of space offered by the DVD blank) we could release the judging material with the next release of KFOCI HANDBOOK. The caveat here is that the material must be approved by the new Chief Judge, club management & members, before it goes into distribution.
If anyone has a question about any of this, please ask Gordie Chamberlain, the new Chief Judge (I don't know as I write this if Gordie has appointed someone or not) or ask me. Gordie and I believe a workable system (for those who want their cars evaluated by a third party) can be created.