Version 7 of KFOCI HANDBOOK was delivered to the Webmaster prior to May 1, 2021. At the 2021 National Convention in Rochester NY the Webmaster informed me that he expected it to be up and running on the club website by Labor Day 2021.
Like all of you reading this, I am still waiting for the material to appear; the only thing there is that it's coming soon...that's been there since summer 2021.
Version 7.1 (actual designation since no structural change was made, only expansion of materials and updates to some existing files reflecting new information I got a hold of) runs about 1.2 GB of file space which includes a small amount of space for the interactive table of contents and a general welcome page. I brought it to Rochester to show people what was (at least I thought it was) soon to come. Few, if any people seemed interested in seeing it and trying it out.
It would have to go out on a DVD type disc or at least a 2 GB flash drive. The club doesn't have the money to send a flash drive to members and club management still wants it on the website as a members-only feature (which can work well) rather than take the place of 1 quarterly issue (I did get a quote and we would be within budget if this was done), probably the Spring issue of whatever year it got released. So far, no interest that I know of (the thing would have to be re-quoted anyway due to passage of time).