You make a very good point. It is important to be aware that none of these KF cars would have survived as long as they have without someone doing something to them. Many of these repairs were done in the 1960s - 1990s when parts and information were hard to find (it's a little easier now with the internet), or the owner was not concerned about the car looking original or authentic (and many, including me for many years, did not). So, when repairs were done, sometimes you had to do what you could or use what you could find which means there are cars out there that are not authentic or original looking any more. That's why it is best to consult factory literature when restoring cars with the goal of an original/authentic looking car in mind. I've seen lots of nice restorations which used mix and matched parts from other years and models, or someone did some type of repair as you mentioned. It's not uncommon.