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Author Topic: 1951 henry j for sale  (Read 7864 times)


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1951 henry j for sale
« on: January 23, 2011, 04:25:17 PM »
It will run good ,you all know the barn car ,that needs some work to start it. I dont want to let it go,  I have too many projects. The 51 henry j is all original, everything ! FOR SALE 785 249 8664  2900.00. Drive this car  with very little maintenance. Dover kansas.


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Re: 1951 henry j for sale
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2011, 05:51:59 AM »
I did not notice a link.  Do you have pictures available.  kaiserfrazerlibrary@yahoo.com


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Re: 1951 henry j for sale
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2011, 07:40:08 PM »


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Re: 1951 henry j for sale
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2011, 02:15:03 PM »
You want a nice car ,go pay 6000.00 for it ! Its what they go for. This car has verry little rust for a 60 year old car. I think ill just give it to my brother if it is not sold.


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Re: 1951 henry j for sale
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2011, 05:40:30 PM »
One of the problems both buyers and sellers have with any car (not just K-F products) is that condition is in the eye of the beholder.  "A little bit of rust" or "99% complete" or other descriptives meen significantly different things to different people.  This is not to say that a seller is trying to misrepresent anything or a buyer is looking for a 2015 Cadillac Wagon at 1932 Willys prices (when the Willys was new, that is).  The best common description mode that seems to be available these days are the comments in things like the OLD CARS PRICE GUIDE where vehicle condition is referenced to (estimated) prices.

Another problem that sellers often have more than buyers are the hidden costs of purchase that prospective buyers face.  With the cost of gas (regular or diesel) available, whatever asking price you have, a buyer has to take on the transportation cost...it can be substantial (over $3,000).


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Re: 1951 henry j for sale
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2011, 07:32:19 AM »
Having been in similar situations over the years (as a prospective buyer) I can relate.  I once drove from Milwaukee WI up to the Bayfield area (on the sunny shores of Lake Superior) to look at a Graham-Paige Frazer that was supposed to be a drive it home car.  The only way you could drive it home is if, 1) you got it out of a steep-sided valley with a narrow path the only way in or out, and 2)you put it on a trailer because it was so badly rusted that one of the doors was about to fall off. 

It seems to come down to some people believing that ANY K-F product, regardless of condition is a great restoration project because they are so rare.  Others are trying to unolad a car they paid too much for onto someone else for what they paid plus a profit.  Unfortunately, in those (and other type) situations, often times they do find an uninformed buyer who will pay their price only to find they could have done much better for less had they known better.

This is one of the reasons why it is so important for us K-F people to get their cars out to their area car shows and be handy by their vehicles to answer questions and be helpful to those interested in getting a K-F product themselves.


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Re: 1951 henry j for sale
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2011, 08:49:42 AM »
  If i had this car at a K-F car show,It would be a 6000.00 dollar car. I told the guy ,there was rust,mouse damage on the inside. But you guys are right,computers suck, what a way to buy a car! Scrap metal here is @ 185.00 a ton. The title says the car is 3249 pounds, But i have to think about travel time, and gas ,and the cost of pulling a trailer! The topeka capitol journal has 6 adds ,WILL PICK UP YOUR CAR FOR FREE. Hope they dont drive from another state!


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Re: 1951 henry j for sale
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2011, 11:21:09 AM »
There was a fellow in Hastings, MI who had several dozen Kaiser and Frazer cars that he had amassed over the years. His son realized that his elderly dad was never going to do anything with the cars, many of which were driven to where they were parked and decided that it was time to sell. I, along with several other club members, drove out for a look and while some were restorable, most were not. He had 6 or 7 HJs parked along a briar patch that were, aside from the rear bumpers poking out, completely obscured by the bushes.
The father looked at the cars and saw them as they looked the day he drove them home as well-used cars. His son was more realistic and saw that most were parts cars on a good day. Prices on the cars varied widely, depending upon who you spoke to. A decent 51K was $350 from the son, $1500 from dad.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is that sellers have an idea as to what their car is worth. I know that my $4500 Jeepster is worth that based on what's on ebay and other sites these days, but I'm equally as sure that someone's going to stop, have a look and declare it a good $2500 buy. If that happens, I'll politely beg off and keep the car. Ask what you want for a car, if it's a fair deal, it will sell. If not, then either the market is down (try to sell a nice Model A Tudor today for $15K and you'll still have it a year from now, when 5 years ago, they brought that or more) or there's just no interest in that make/model today (think late 70s full size Ford cars).
The HJ market is fickle. Those who want a body and frame to tub and rod will look past rust issues because most of it will be cut away anyway, whereas, restorers will walk away from a similar car. Many years ago, I had the chance to buy a Tucker for $7500. I passed because no one wanted the car and I didn't think they'd ever be that collectable. Do I think a Henry J will ever hit Tucker's status...no...but I do I think that there will be a day where a $6000 J will be a decent buy in the condition described. Just my opinion!


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Re: 1951 henry j for sale
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2011, 01:47:04 PM »
Thank You. Have a great day!  The car will NEVER go to scrap, I really like the old car. And the old gasser henry in my barn, bought it in 1980.


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Re: 1951 henry j for sale
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2011, 01:21:51 PM »
SOLD,2500.00  Thanks for this site. The car WILL be restored!