I am cleaning out the closets here. These are shirts for various National Meets of KFOCI. They have never been worn or washed.
2003, 2002, 2000,1999,1998(P), 1997(P), 1996, 1995, 1994(P), 1993, 1993(P), 1991, 1990, 1989(P), 1987(XL), 1987, 1986(XL), 1985(XL), 1984(XL). 1980 AACA Southeastern National Fall Meet 1984 Ashville NC(XL), Keep America Beautiful Drive a Kaiser or Frazer Car(L). 21 shirts in all. P label is for Polo shirt, others are T-shirts. Those with no size given are 2XL. Note that there are 2 shirts for 1993 and for 1987.
$200 for all 21 shirts plus shipping to USA address. Email me at thatben.hughes.net if you are interested. I want to sell all as a package.