Author Topic: Check Profile if You don't get Prompted on Your Personal Email...  (Read 2894 times)

G.B. (All Vinyl Dragon)

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 I found out why I was not getting a Notified on Kaiser Frazer Forum when someone responded to Post's. I had it set right , but My email address was Off by one letter. Check Yours at Profile settings...
If anyone tried to email Me I may not of got it. Please Try again.
If I get any email on a Subject I get, I will respond if get a Question. If I don't have an answer I will try to get One. No Ego's here.
But You know that...

Best, G.B
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 11:04:44 AM by G.B. (All Vinyl Dragon) »
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G.B. Bonham LM  K.F.O.C. Club.
Also: Vintage Electronics, TV, Stereo, Radio, & Broadcasting.
Looking for Kaye Halbert TV, 27 inch screen mid 50's
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