The first piece of general distribution showroom literature is the sepia-tone that shows the Graham-Paige Frazer and the K-85 Kaiser. In fact, it is the only piece of general distribution showroom literature showing the FWD Kaiser. In January 1946, Carl Byoir & Associates issued a press kit with releases from Graham-Paige (Frazer and Rototiller related) and Kaiser-Frazer (General Company and K-85 related) timed for release with the Waldorf-Astoria show. All dealers and distributors got copies of the press kit as well. An updated version was issued in June/July 1946 with the K-85 Kaiser references replaced by the K-100 Kaiser Special information.
A tentative table of specifications for the K-85 and the F-47 Frazer was released around the end of 1945 and was intended for use by the automotive press (AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES took information from this material and used it in their March 1946 special section on motor vehicle specs). Follow-up revisions were issued as the K-100 replaced the K-85 and other changes were made to the Frazer. Again intended for the press and dealers, copies also made their way into such places as Chrysler Corporation spy files (the copies of these documents in original form have a purple ink stamp of "ROSS ROY, INC." or "PROPERTY OF CHRYSLER CORPORATION" or similar type wording).
There was also a Confidential Bulletin issued in the spring of 1946 for the K-85 with general information (no features or equipment specs) but it appears that the first confidential bulletin for the K-100 and the F-47 went out in September 1946.
I am still unpacking and re-shelving material here in NY. I expect this will take well into August or September before everything is done.