Author Topic: 1951 Kaiser DataPlate  (Read 1002 times)


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1951 Kaiser DataPlate
« on: December 28, 2014, 08:23:52 PM »
I'm trying to figure out the dataplate on the 1951 Kaiser Deluxe I have.....So far, I've figured out the body number, the 'DR' code (1), the 'TR' code (4).

Now is where I need some has accessory group (AG) Code of '9'.  What is included in the accessory group 9?  This car was pretty standard.  It had an O/D trans, a heater, and little else.  Radio Delete, etc.

Also, it had paint code of 375.  I do not know where to look that up.  Is it in the parts manual?  Somewhere hidden in the shop manual? 

Trim Code is 2734....again what is it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, david.


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Re: 1951 Kaiser DataPlate
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2014, 08:51:27 PM »
Here you go!

Paint code 375 = Mariner Grey
Trim 2734 = Explorer Grey Stockholm and Volta
AG 9 = Deluxe bumper guards front and rear, chrome wheel covers, tail pipe extension, tenite plastic steering wheel, electric clock, electric wipers, oil bath air cleaner, directional signals, rear cigar lighter, and day/nite mirror. All of this for $113.59!

Trim tag information was originally documented in service literature. It's also in the appendix of the Last Onslaught on Detroit, written by Richard Langworth and published in 1975. If you don't have a copy, it is well worth seeking out. Amazon usually has a copy or two for sale.

The information should also be available in the club's handbook which is available on CD. If you're a member you should have received one. If you're not a member, join and you will!


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Re: 1951 Kaiser DataPlate
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2014, 09:05:04 PM »
Thank you.  I am a member of the club (as of earlier this year)  Now all I have to do is locate my handbook. 

I greatly appreciate the information.

Also, I appreciate the info on the brakes the other day.  I contacted the vendor, and have the parts coming.

Thanks again, david.