While Frazer and Kaiser, the men did not get along after the kick-back on the Muntz deal came to light in early 1948, the Frazer car was, by intent, the higher-end product of the company until such time that it was determined dealers did not want the cars in sufficient number to make its production costs viable.
For those interested in information on the Muntz deal, I would suggest you check out WestLaw for the Judge's decision (Justice Frank Picard, Federal Appeals Court) in the civil case of Pergament et. al. V. Frazer et. al, (cite as 93F. Supp, 13). under "Muntz Franchise" found on page 37 of the ruling. between "Rototiller" and "Permanente Metals".
In truth, Henry's favorite cars were Cadillacs and Jeeps kept in the garages at the Tahoe property, at home and at the Henry J. Kaiser Corporation (later Kaiser Industries) headquarters building.