Hi, all – I'm new to the boards, but I've owned my dad's '52 J for a few years now and I'm finally getting around to rebuilding the motor and getting it on the road. It's a Corsair that originally came with the 4-cyl and no overdrive, but now I'm rebuilding a 6-cyl (161?) and it came with an o/d transmission (also needs rebuilt).
Does anyone know if Edmunds or any other aftermarket speed catalog ever built aluminum heads or multi-carb intakes for these 161c.i. inliners? I'd love to run a 2x2 intake and an aluminum head on this thing, but I've only heard of early speed equipment made for the 226. Anyone able to shed light on this stuff?
Thanks a ton! Lots to learn, but it's been great digging through some of the threads on this board...