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Messages - studeq

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: First post ,need assistance on '49 Virginian
« on: January 22, 2012, 01:32:11 AM »
We have records from an old title showing that the owner previous to the estate from which we purchased it was Emil Heinz of Plant City, Florida. This goes back to 1993. The serial number is 4M4321. Anyone know any history on this car?

General Discussion / Re: First post ,need assistance on '49 Virginian
« on: January 21, 2012, 03:03:10 AM »
Thanks Bill. I have always thought that the 1937-39 Studebaker Coupe Expresses were the most handsome pre WWII pickups ever built (and maybe post WWII as well!). My personal favorite is the '39 but I also have a '38 that is not shown on my website.

General Discussion / Re: First post ,need assistance on '49 Virginian
« on: January 20, 2012, 01:54:26 AM »
Some interesting comments and observations, thanks for those.  I will bet most of the people on this forum remember Jack Benny and if so you know he was known for being one of the worlds greatest misers. One of his lines went "I am not cheap I am just careful with my money." Not a bad characteristic to possess these days. Another was on his old radio show back in the '30s: "I was going to buy my wife a Packard for Christmas but it took too long for them to deliver so I bought her some handkerchiefs."

I am glad we can all keep our sense of humor about such things and am also pleased to meet some other OLD orphan car owners (Old orphans as opposed to old owners). I have a bunch of old Studebakers that you can see here if so inclined (no obligation):

General Discussion / Re: First post ,need assistance on '49 Virginian
« on: January 19, 2012, 04:11:22 AM »
Thanks for the input. The interior is definitely vinyl. To have it redone in leather would not be financially prudent insofar as resale is concerned since the cost would exceed the benefit. I do appreciate the ball park figure which all I was needing.  Many years ago I bought out a Studebaker dealer in Peoria Heights, Illinois and they also sold Kaisers/Frazers and had a good supply of parts. I recall being told way back then that the only old car people cheaper than Studebaker collectors were Kaiser/Frazer collectors. I am not sure if that is still true but I do recall having to almost give away the K/F parts. Incidentally I can attest to the fact that Studebaker people are cheap! Most of them readily admit it. On their forum there is an oft used acronym CASO, meaning Cheap Ass Studebaker Owner.  They are cheap and proud of it! Maybe its a good thing, it allows the non-millionaires to get into the hobby and I am all for that. Thanks again we will probably lower our sights a little on the price.

General Discussion / First post ,need assistance on '49 Virginian
« on: January 18, 2012, 02:54:41 AM »

My first post here and I am just seeking some "expert" opinions. I am a Studebaker collector (have 11 pre WWII cars) but my question is re a '49 Kaiser. Two friends and I bought a 13 car collection out of an estate in Pennsylvania some months ago and included in this collection was a nice '49 Virginian. We cannot afford to keep all of the cars and have decided to sell this car. The car runs and drives fine and looks to be an older restoration. We are hoping to get a fair price but we really don't know what a fair price is! This is not a #1 car but maybe a 21/2. I am including a few photos for your examination. Can supply more if needed. Feel free to contact me directly at Thanks.

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