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Messages - Tron1

Pages: [1]
Kaiser Forum / Re: Advice needed
« on: July 09, 2018, 09:34:37 AM »

Interesting indeed. I don't yet own the car but if I do I will let you know. The car is in bits and I mean 50% is missing.

Interesting also to know you had old victors. My dad has had many fd victors inc one estate and also a couple of vivas and now has a bedford cf.


Kaiser Forum / Re: Advice needed
« on: July 09, 2018, 06:31:34 AM »
Thanks Gordie, I do have a great support from both my dad and my uncle. My uncle restores VW split screens as a living. Where would you reccomend looking for Henry js as I have only been looking on eBay.

Many thanks

Kaiser Forum / Re: Advice needed
« on: July 08, 2018, 06:19:36 PM »
Hi Gordie

Thanks for your reply, what I am thinking is to do with the car is purchase the car and fit for the time being the Scott's rods fibreglass panels so the car body and chassis can be sorted and the original steel wings and bonnet can be restored at no rush amd have the time etc they deserve. If I can get this car within my budget I can purchase the full front end in fibreglass panels and rear quarters etc for less than I'm going to pay for the car. This gets me on the road and rolling whilst I get my uncle to restore the fenders and bonnet in his body restoration shop here in the UK.

This is one of 4 in the UK and the others are all gassers and to ship one in from overseas with import charges I'm looking at around £10,000 for the same condition project.

I will never be able to afford a fully original restored Henry as I don't have the salary for that. Thank you for your advice 👍

Kaiser Forum / Advice needed
« on: July 08, 2018, 10:13:53 AM »
Hi guys

I have the chance to buy a Henry j in the UK already registered over her for a good price. Can anyone give me and advice on what to look for when going to view the car. Anything I should check or be curious off.

Many thanks

Kaiser Forum / Advice needed please
« on: July 08, 2018, 10:10:53 AM »
Hi guys

I've been dormant on here for the last year or 2 after changes in jobs and schedules but I need some expert advice on the feasibility of this Henry j I have been offered

As far as I can see the car needs;

Roof gutters, rear fender joints, rear fender repairs, rear valance repair, from fender repairs, new floor, chassis etc.
Now I have read that the Henry j is commonly placed on a s10 chassis? If I'm wrong please correct me if  right could someone elaborate for me further what's involved?

The car has the original drivetrain but does not run
 He has the rear screen which is a huge bonus plus 2 floor pans and I have found where I can purchase most of the panels apart from the rear quarters which I know are rare to get hold of.

So please have a look at the pictures, I am meant to be viewing the car in 3 weeks so if you can give any pointers of what to look at that would be extremely appreciated and also whether this can be saved?

Many thanks

Henry J & Allstate Forum / Re: Colours
« on: September 14, 2016, 04:30:58 PM »
Thank you guys, really appreciate the replies and info, especially being as I'm a newbie, I have saved the thread you have presented Mark as I shall be looking for a Henry after Christmas hopefully. 👍

Henry J & Allstate Forum / Re: Colours
« on: September 13, 2016, 03:46:09 AM »
Brilliant, thank you to you both for the information, I have just ordered the DuPont colour chips in the original colours as I would much rather paint it in a period and model correct colour once I have bought the car then to spray it in a modern water-based colour which in my opinion never gives the same effect. 👍

Henry J & Allstate Forum / Re: Colours
« on: September 12, 2016, 08:27:07 AM »
Thank you very much buddy,

Henry J & Allstate Forum / Colours
« on: September 12, 2016, 06:42:19 AM »
Hi guys, I'm new to Henry J's and am looking to save to import one to the UK after new year, but I'm currently looking towards doing a very traditional 50s custom not extremely modified but subtle and sweet. I was wondering as understaniblyI can't find any information on what colours the Henry J's were available in, I am looking for a dark colour that would highlight the curves and definitions of the Henry. If I could find a original colour that I like, I would like to use it. I know this may be a long shot but worth a question.
Thank you for your time and help in advance Josh

Cars For Sale & Wanted / Re: It is for sale again
« on: September 04, 2016, 06:33:16 AM »
I so wish I had the money to import this to the UK, would be a perfect model for what I have planned. Been watching this for a while

Kaiser Forum / Re: Newbie
« on: June 21, 2016, 03:08:34 AM »
That's good to know, thank you for your knowledge and time.

Kaiser Forum / Re: Newbie
« on: June 20, 2016, 03:54:50 PM »
At right, you have touched on something there that completely confused me, if I'm thinking right from what you have said  the later cars have lights in the fenders and a glove compartment. Can these lights be traditionally grafted out so you are left with the trunk and glove compartment but the sleek lines of a earlier model. I don't plan on huge modifications to a Gasser styled ride but traditional customs with customisation  that have to be looked for, I.e losing the tailights on a later model. I have seen a Henry J complete in Denver, which has as listed in the as the supersix engine which is the 6 cylinder. Is there much that can be done with these engines as I'd like to try and keep it as period as possible, and hopefully if possible depending on feedback and advice for the engine put the six cylinder in. I don't want to modernize the car too much but want it to be reliable. I really do appreciate your time in your replies and I understand it must be difficult trying to explain all the difference to a novice like myself. Your advice is being taken and noted ready for when I decide to purchase one.


Kaiser Forum / Re: Newbie
« on: June 20, 2016, 01:32:37 PM »
Hi Fid

thank you for the correction, i have seen that car listed on ebay many times, it was listed last year before i found this forum, i have found various craigslist ads for vehicles for sale from various places like vegas, Minnesota (apologies if i have spelt that wrong) etc and for  a as complete as possible project car, that does need work i have seen them sell for around $3000 to $4000 dollars. is this something to be wary of?  i would certainly consult this forum first for vehicles for sale as like the rare vehicle clubs in the uk, there tends to be a lot of knowledge of cars that are layed up awaiting a genuine generous owner that don't get much attention from public sale sites like eBay.i am keen to learnt the variations of the henry j before deciding on the model i like or can afford, i am looking to build a clean subtle car with my own added touches. The first few pictures i saw of a henry j were done as pro street race cars in the uk, but the picture that really made me fall for the car was this link below due to how the colour highlights all the body lines, and how everything blends nicely without destroying the car.

is there anything that should immediately deter me from the vehicle, i.e no log book.

p.s all help is greatly appreciated guys.


Kaiser Forum / Newbie
« on: June 20, 2016, 07:39:20 AM »
Hi guys

Just thought I'd introduce myself as my account has just been approved, I am 20 yrs old I live in the UK and really admire the Henry J, I currently have a vw campervan that I have fully restored, but will be looking for guidance or any information possible to buying a Henry J and importing it into the UK in the next year or 2 if finances allow. I will be looking if I am correct (please correct me if I'm wrong) for a 1951 Henry J Allstate I believe.

Thanks guys  :)

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