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Messages - shart

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Look for owners car that matches these numbers
« on: February 15, 2019, 06:36:37 PM »
Thank you everyone for your help and tips. I'm please I got so many replies so quickly. I've always felt original paperwork for a collector car has always been very important. I just sent the ad to Barbara Mueller.
I'm not on facebook but maybe someone will post it for me?? You can include my email:     I may also have the original sales invoice but I haven't uncovered it. All of this came to me quite a few years ago when my friend, the original owner of the car was still alive. I will keep checking back to see what happens. Again, Thanks!

General Discussion / Look for owners car that matches these numbers
« on: February 14, 2019, 07:55:50 PM »
I'm new here but not new to the collector car hobby. A good friend who was a WWII Vet left me some of the original purchase papers for his 1950 Frazer Manhattan convertible he bought in December 1949 in Kansas City MO. The car was traded in on a new 1953 Packard Caribbean in Kansas City MO. He kept the Packard until close to his death. Here are the numbers for the Frazer: FM806410, Serial 010707.  These are the only numbers I have. I have no paint color, photos or anything else. As a collector car enthusiast of 45-plus years I would very much like to find the owner of this car so I can reunite the paperwork with the car. That's my only goal. I realize that after this many years it's a long shot but maybe the car still exists. I won't throw out the paperwork and I won't donate it. I want to pair it to the car if the car is out there somewhere. Thanks much. Steve Hartwich, KCMO. If you have any clues post them here.

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