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Messages - 89tc

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Is there a registry of existing cars?
« on: March 10, 2022, 11:01:35 PM »
Hi everybody, newbie here!
   I don't have a KF car yet but was contemplating buying an Allstate junker I found in the woods, to save from the ravages of nature. I've looked up the production numbers on the internet and it looks like 2363 were made over two years of production, although various internet sources differ.
  But my question is: does anyone know how many exist today? It appears that some KF models have non-public registries documenting their existence since years back; I was just wondering if there's a similar registry on a member's hard drive that has been documenting the existence of the Allstates over the years.
  In researching the Allstate, it seems that it was not well received by the public when new, and therefore didn't last long on the roads before being scrapped. As a result, and based on internet searches yielding few results, I'm assuming that a fraction (maybe roughly 1/4??) exist today.
  Can anyone support or debunk this claim? I'm asking because I'm a car lover and I hate to see old cars rot into the ground.

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