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Messages - Dann

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / hood ornament question
« on: November 07, 2010, 10:00:08 PM »
  Just by chance I found this site, I have had a question for many years concerning a hood ornament I took from an old car hood leaning against a pine tree by the Bitterroot River near Missoula, MT in about 1965. It came from a Henry J Kaiser from what I've been told. But I would be interested in the year it was produced etc. The general shape was that of a flat shield, about 6" tall and 3 1/2" wide, the upper part had a silver K surrounded by green glass type material fused onto the copper casting, the lower half of the plate had a silver buffalo, surrounded by black glass.
  You will all just die to know that I sawed it in half between the K and the buffalo and made two belt buckels, I don't know what became of the K but I have been wearing the buffalo belt buckel since I was in the seventh or eight grade and still wear it nearly every day (the black glass has long since broken away so a copper background shows and much of the chrome finish has also worn away. Complete, it might be worth something but as it is, I've only met one person who recognized it for what it is but was not sure of the year of production.
  I thank you sincerely if you can shed a some light on this little piece of history.

Thanks --- Dann

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