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Messages - ro.co3

Pages: [1]
Henry J & Allstate Forum / very interesting
« on: April 05, 2012, 12:14:15 PM »
Took this in Georgia Moonshine cruise in last summer. Is it real he says it is one of just a few made for demo purpose.

Henry J & Allstate Forum / Re: Henry J
« on: April 08, 2011, 03:00:41 PM »
The one I saw was at a show in Hiawassee Ga. and the man that owned it said it was a prototype that was never put into production. I cant vouch for its authenticity but that's what I saw. Let me also say being a guy who's into restoring cars if it was a fake it was a good one .Just to fabricate that rear tailgate would be cost prohibitive for a vehicle with so little value. Anyway if he has it at that show again this year I'll be sure to get pictures and some more information.

Henry J & Allstate Forum / Re: Henry J
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:39:49 PM »
Thanks to everyone for your input. I can see that the value of these cars is at an all time low. I guess this was not a good candidate for a full rotisserie restoration. Anyone who has done one knows the expense involved redoing the frame, drive train,paint,chrome, interior,etc., etc..
It was a labor of love for him and he enjoyed it, but like everything in life situations change. I'll tell him to put it away for awhile longer and see what happens.

By the way I wanted to add something, last summer there was a guy at a car show with a Henry J station wagon. Never seen one before I believe he said it was some kind of experiment from KF. Anybody know anything about it.

Henry J & Allstate Forum / Henry J
« on: April 02, 2011, 07:41:37 PM »
I'm new here, My name is Roland and I live in western N.C.. I have a friend who rotisserie restored a Henry J and now wants to sell it but of course value is a problem because there are so few comparables out there. I'll try and post some pics and maybe I could get some feedback from your group. Thanks in advance.

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