There is a seller who, at last check offered 67 factory 8X10 photos for just under $500.00 including shipping. While some of these are the run of the mill PR pieces, there are a lot of photos showing production line operations, many of them appear to be 1946 or early calendar 1947 shots of 1947 model year Kaiser or Frazer cars in various stages of completion. Seller will not break up the set.
Is it worth the money? If a person has a 1947 Kaiser or Frazer (it seems especially a Kaiser) it seems a reasonable price. If you had to buy them separately, even at $8.00 each, you would end up paying a lot more (especially when shipping is figured into the equation) than what is asked at the start of the auction.
I am not endorsing the price; if you do your eBay homework you can work it out for yourself. I am also not the seller or connected with the seller in any what that I know of.