So what is the status of this collection? Is it coming up for sale? Looks like a prime Vanderbrink target.
I 100% agree. I know some have requested I don't comment on pricing. The estate can ask whatever they want and put FIRM on the pricing. I guess the information on the website will reach people who are emotionally interested in the cars and they may pay whatever it takes to purchase the cars.
I am thinking of those 1955 Studebaker President Speedsters. Great cars, collectible and highly coveted by Studebaker geeks as r1lark can attest. Are those prices right? Not sure, but Speedsters don't grow on trees and become available even less.
Overall though, placing FIRM on price with some of those cars might be optimistic. Yvette would likely insist on NO RESERVE for a high percentage of those cars and I have been to several of her auctions where the seller-owners had to leave because they could not believe their cars were not bringing more money.
But Vanderbrink level of marketing and zeal could also mean that some of those prices are met and the cars would be removed by someone else within a week. We will just have to stay tuned.