This morning, wife and kids sent me out to get donuts. I took our 52 Henry J to donut shop 6 blocks away and parked it in front on Whittier Blvd. I came home a hour later because of all the attention the car got. It's great showing the car and driving it, but get tired repeating myself of what it is to those less fortunate to know about our great cars. I decided I am going to write it up and have a little info sheet in back window. That way people can read about it, especially if I am not nearby.
Before I write something, Has anyone done a brief write up to show with your car telling history of the Henry J? You able post a picture of it or share somehow?
It's great talking to car guys, but when it comes to non car guys asking what is it, I can point and tell them to read about it, then ask questions.