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Henry J & Allstate Forum / Re: Allstate automobiles
« on: December 26, 2011, 02:11:26 AM »
Thanks for the quick and authoritative replies. I was sure I was correct. I've been inspecting and appraising old cars for over 20 years and while I have not examined that many Henry J's (but no Allstates) I pride myself in keeping up to date on old car marques as much as possible. So when this guy made his claim, I had to take him on.

Again, my thanks.

Henry J & Allstate Forum / Allstate automobiles
« on: December 25, 2011, 01:48:51 AM »
I need help to settle a bet. A friend of mine states that the Allstate car was sold by Allstate Insurance Co. I say the Allstate was a slightly restyled Henry J and sold by Sears Roebuck & Co. He claims the name "Allstate" refers to the insurance company and I say that Allstate was simply the name used by Sears for many auto related products.

An authortative answer from someone out there would be appreciated.

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