Author Topic: Monthly President's Message  (Read 63474 times)


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Re: Monthly President's Message
« Reply #195 on: May 15, 2017, 08:00:29 PM »
It seems I've fallen a bit behind in posting a monthly message! So, to catch up, the Darrin is nearing completing and with any luck will be on the road by the end of May. The Henry J is road worthy and has seen a few trips around town to shake out the last few bugs. The rest of the fleet has had their spring tuneups and when time and weather permit, they'll see the road as well.

I'd also like to take the opportunity to encourage you to attend this year's club convention in Prescott, Arizona. Our meet hosts have gone to great lengths to line up interesting things to do in the area so you owe it to not only them, but yourself to attend. The news bulletin has more information. In addition, this is an election year and all of the executive offices are up for election/re-election. Your vote is important and you can only do so in person so please be there! Better yet, throw your name in the ring for an office, the club needs folks to step up to the plate and get involved! As of today, there are approximately 60 registrations and about 30 cars (doesn't sound like a lot, but that's normal for this date).


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Re: Monthly President's Message
« Reply #196 on: June 14, 2017, 07:35:04 PM »'s the middle of June already! With the convention fast approaching, I would like to take a moment and thank all of you for supporting me over the last four years. I am not seeking re-election, but I will maintain a presence in the club as the immediate past president. The upside of my new title will be that I will now have a vote on the board of directors (our constitution says the president has no vote except to break a tie). I look forward to introducing some new thoughts and ideas to create some excitement within the club. Sure, kicking tires at meets has it's place, but increasingly, many members want to do something different. If you're one of those think about these possibilities:
- Joint meets with other clubs. We've done this at a Division level to much success. It might be time to consider it at a national level as well.
- Off season meets. The AACA holds a winter meet in Philadelphia every year that's well attended. Folks gather not to look at another old car, but to renew friendships and discuss club matters. I'm not saying we need to meet where coats and gloves are needed, but a meet where the membership comes first is an idea with merit.
- Or, better yet, how about a cruise to your favorite port of call with a number of your fellow KFOCI members? Other clubs do it so why can't we? Of course, all the guys think Cuba and old cars, but there are many places I'm sure quite a few members would like to see.

Anyway, just a few thoughts to get the creative juices flowing.

And, one more plug...if you haven't yet registered for the convention do it today. You'll be glad you did!


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Re: Monthly President's Message
« Reply #197 on: July 04, 2017, 11:00:09 AM »
Wishing everyone an enjoyable holiday today - please take a moment to reflect on what it means and the freedoms earned.

We'll see you in Prescott!


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Re: Monthly President's Message
« Reply #198 on: July 07, 2017, 10:49:08 AM »
With the national convention just a few days away, I thought I'd give everyone some insight as to what's discussed at our meetings - for those who can't attend.

Every year, we talk about the club's health, the budget, and any changes we'd like to make to it's governing charter - the Constitution and By-Laws. We also talk about future sites for the convention as well as the events to be held at the annual gathering.

This year, we're also holding elections. All four national offices are up for election/re-election and so far, a few folks have expressed an interest in holding an office. This brings to mind a few thoughts that I have - and I'd like your opinion.

1. Should we impose term limits for elected offices? What about for appointed positions?
2. Should we allow a person to hold more than one office and/or position within the club?

And, should the club consider creating a marketing manager position? This person's job would be to actively market the club using any available media source (social, print, etc). A few responsibilities for the position could include:
- Contacting TV stations and newspapers for coverage at national (and maybe Division) meets.
- Develop advertising for use on social media as well as in print.
- Develop a cross marketing campaign with other "orphan" car clubs for possible joint meets.

Give me your thoughts!


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Re: Monthly President's Message
« Reply #199 on: August 31, 2017, 10:13:12 AM »
I'm writing this as my tenure as your club president comes to an end. My new title within the club will be 'Immediate Past President' which gives me back my board and executive committee votes - something I look forward to exercising.

Four years as president taught me quite a bit. First, not everyone has ambitions which are for the club's good. Conversely, there are quite a few members who, quietly behind the scenes, did much more to further the name of the KFOCI than most folks will ever know. I can only hope those who don't act in the best interest of the club realize the err of their ways and move forward in a positive way.

As president, I've had the opportunity to meet many great people. I've made friends with car show and swap meet organizers, rubbed elbows with presidents from other clubs, and worked with countless members to help them with whatever I could. And, along the way, I've attended national, division, and regional meets across the country where again, I've met lots of great people and did a lot something I never get tired of, seeing lots of Kaiser, Frazer, and Willys products.

While the KFOCI isn't as mighty in number as it once was - a comment that can be applied to just about any organization like ours - I believe it is in a strong position. Our balance sheet is excellent, we have a manufacturing fund that offers many KF and W goodies, and we have a core group who really care about its future. A good place to be.

And, my hat is off to our club secretary for stepping up to the plate four years ago and taking on what is arguably the toughest job in the club. She learned as she went along, she was instrumental in getting the club website updated, and she also endured the trials and tribulations that goes with the job. I cannot thank her enough and if you get the chance, please pass along your thanks to her as well.

Lastly, please welcome our new president, vice president and secretary to their roles (our treasurer is staying on). They're inheriting a legacy that has a strong future but it can only remain as such with your help. Please do so.

I am going to lock this topic because I want my final entry to be seen - your comments are welcome, send me an email.


Jim Lape
Immediate Past President
« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 01:46:40 PM by joefrazer »