Author Topic: January 2018 Bulletin: PRINTER ERROR  (Read 778 times)

Bulletin Editor

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January 2018 Bulletin: PRINTER ERROR
« on: January 03, 2018, 03:36:05 PM »
Hello, KFOCI members ... I started receiving calls last night that there was a serious error in the printed January Bulletin. Specifically, pages 1 & 2 were duplicated from the December issue. I contacted the printer & they are looking into what happened, why & how we can resolve it. They apologize for the error & inconvenience.

Two suggestions I received from members have been forwarded to the printer: 1) print & mail pages 1 & 2; or, 2) print pages 1 & 2 to be inserted in the February issue. No decision has been made yet.

If you would like to get the January eBulletin as a replacement, please send a request to ** This will not change your preference for the printed version, unless you specifically request a permanent change. **

NOTE: eBulletin recipients were not affected.
Barbara Mueller
1952 Henry J Corsair deLuxe
KFOCI Secretary
Bulletin Editor