Author Topic: forum  (Read 3679 times)


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Re: forum
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2018, 07:14:17 AM »
quit letting this guy "bustidwing" troll everyone


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Re: forum
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2018, 08:45:11 AM »
I elect not to Participate further and ask the administrator to evaluate.
Jim Brown aka Corsairdeluxe
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Re: forum
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2018, 08:57:47 AM »
First, young people don't give a damn about old cars and raving on this forum isn't going to change that.  Yes us old car lovers are dying off as is the hobby and we can't change that.  Once again I for one appreciate what the forum and club does for us old car people.
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Re: forum
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2018, 09:09:47 AM »

I am a forum member that is not a KFOCI member. I was at one time when I owned a Kaiser. I have wanted to rejoin many times because frankly the $35 is cheap for what you receive and yes the club needs dues and volunteer donations.

I am a member of the Buick Club of America (BCA) and Cadillac LaSalle Club.  I own those makes. I doubt I will own a KF in the future as my inner urban residence is piled up now with cars. 

The reason for joining would be the camaraderie, ability to go to shows, the history discussed and the forum.  I am friends with more than a fair share of KF folks who are not on the forum.  They never will be.  I spend way too much time on the forums.

One of my biggest regrets is tossing the membership roster I received when I was a member.  YOU need that!  Call the guys who own the cars. If they can not help, they will recommend someone who can.  You are correct, this forum is much less active and all forums have far more lurkers than contributors. 

But who cares if only Gordie, Fid, and a few others provide the assist?  You are correct this club is different than others but I guarantee that if you owned a Buick of a certain year, the response rate and quality on the BCA forum would not be much better.  But it is better than 1980, when the Internet did not exist, phone calls were made from rotary phones with bad quality and the cost was .17 per minute to talk to a KF expert. 

Ying and yang. It's hard to say what is better? 

I have noticed a big downturn in topics on the forum and cars for sale leisurely located as Jake used to do.  That's my main interest.  In all fairness to KFOCI I should send the club $100 for forum support and NOT be a member.  The forum costs money to keep going. 

Overall it is better than some orphan brand options.  Packard has a website that has no club affiliation called  Studebaker, Hudson and others have websites with varying success.  The AACA which is the 600 pound gorilla in the room, has decreased forum attendance.

There is a discussion on the Buick Reatta forum which basically states that forum "members" are leaving for a Facebook group, kind of like here, someone said that.  I am not on Facebook and have no plans to be.  What does Facebook have that this forum does not?  Not sure. 

No clear answer.  If you charge folks to use the forum, that would likely kill it. 
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Re: forum
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2018, 09:13:07 AM »
I welcome the administrator to evaluate, and as a equal member to any other member I request that the administrator also review the many derogatory or "trolling" posts provided by a "prominent member" In 2009....and have the courage to tell me what the difference is...

2009 was almost 10 years ago and that member is either likely gone or has changed their approach. I don't even know what you are talking about.  You are obviously not happy with the responses provided you but remember forums are limited in their communication capability.   These are real people, and face to face is best, followed by phone calls, followed by on topic forum activity.

Just stop answering your critics in this thread and it will get more positive quickly.
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Re: forum
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2018, 09:48:00 AM »
I welcome the administrator to evaluate, and as a equal member to any other member I request that the administrator also review the many derogatory or "trolling" posts provided by a "prominent member" In 2009....and have the courage to tell me what the difference is...

Courage isn't an issue here, your suggestion that there isn't a difference between you and the "derogatory troll" you reference might be more pertinent.

Maybe step back, take a breath and look at the big picture since you joined? One doesn't have to look very much to see you've gotten several helpful replies to questions in a short amount of time.

You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar...…………………….. just sayin...………….
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Re: forum
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2018, 08:28:54 PM »
I will say that as a younger member (I'm only 42, so that's pretty young compared to the average age of most car clubs, more particularly of orphaned cars), I've gotten very quick responses to every question I've asked, both on the forum and by email to specific club members.  I don't post answers to most questions, because I personally do not have the knowledge.  I've lurked on the forum for years, but only joined the club in the last few years, because I didn't have a car, and got updates from my father who was a member.

The simple fact is, younger people in general are just not that interested in car collecting.  Most of them don't have a connection to them. They'll go to shows on the weekends, look at them, then go home and forget about them.  My connection to Kaisers is through my late father.  He loved old cars and old aircraft and shared those loves with me.  His family had a number of Kaisers growing up, and they were his favorite.  The fact is, until I bought my Dad a 53 Manhattan 5 years ago, I had never even been for a ride in one, much less driven one, because the 54 that my Dad owned wasn't in running condition, and with 3 kids and a disabled wife, my father had neither the time, nor the money to fix it.  Now, that has fallen to me, and, come hell or high water, I will drive that 54 one day.

As far as forum membership and participation goes, the plain and simple truth is that this form of online communication is dying, something I have much personal experience with both as an administrator of multiple forums in the past and as a user for over 20 years.  1) They can be costly to maintain.  You either need to buy or rent a server and bandwidth to support it.  Even using a free version like this one does just means you have to rely on someone else to keep paying for the service.  They don't always last. 2) It often requires technical knowledge to maintain, which means time and effort that you have to put in, and often uncompensated for time.  A lot of people don't have the time.  If they do, they often get burned out after a while and choose to spend their time elsewhere.  3) Many groups are just moving to Facebook.   I personally dislike using Facebook for this sort of thing, because it's not as easily searchable and can often get drowned out with Facebook's algorithms on how they display things on your news feed.   However, it's free, easy, and has a high user penetration rate.  I've seen 2 forums that were once heavily active (hundreds of posts per day)  go nearly dormant, as everyone has transferred to Facebook groups.   It has also caused a high degree of fragmentation, since what was once all covered on one forum with multiple sub forums is now split into well over 50 Facebook groups. 

Getting younger people involved is difficult with ANY group.Again, something I have a pretty good amount of experience with, having either been the president of, or board member of, multiple non-profit organizations. People are happy to make use of your services, but are often very reluctant to pay to join, or donate their own time to help get things done. Without that it basically just ends up falling back upon the same people, time and again, and they either burn out and leave, or they become entrenched and things become difficult to change.  It's just reality.

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Re: forum
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2018, 10:38:44 PM »
define "trolling"

Trolling – (verb) as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument. 
Barbara Mueller
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Re: forum
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2018, 06:52:26 AM »
I’m just posting on this one to add to my score since I haven’t posted in awhile and get called out...also not offended by the newbie designation when I picked up my membership in the club after the old man’s  passing. Why the designation of newbies? Well, obviously it allows others to get to identify the New network, and can use something called a phone to talk to other members’s not rocket science to get responses, help, and other advise. Not sure why the attack of the forum, it’s members. I’d rather have a few solid comments on a post to help me than 50 that have no clue like other places. I greatly appreciate all the help I’ve received!
« Last Edit: September 14, 2018, 04:44:44 PM by njpatera »

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