Author Topic: Life Memberships  (Read 1238 times)


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Life Memberships
« on: December 17, 2018, 05:43:02 PM »
I was just looking at the club website, have we eliminated life memberships? There is no longer an option for it that I can find?
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 05:45:01 PM by bustidwing »


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Re: Life Memberships
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2018, 06:00:00 PM »
No more Life Memberships.  The postage and printing costs have gone up so much that the club starts losing money after fourteen years.  We have had some Life Members for fifty years and now it is a serious drain on our finances.
Member #3151 Since June 1974
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'47 Graham Paige Frazer                                   
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Re: Life Memberships
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2018, 08:56:33 AM »
The FALL 2018 issue of the QUARTERLY contains the past and currenbt budget cycles for expenses and income (page 235 to be exact).  We are operating within our current income means as the club is a designated not for profit (as opposed to a 501c3 non-profit which we cannot be per current IRS regulations) and are not supposed to make money.    A massive cost cutting in the last 14 months on the publications front coupled with good negotiating and the work of a handful of members who give a darn about the club's future continue to allow 12 issues a month of the BULLETIN and 4 issuers a year of the QUARTERLY (which includes the calendar as an issue, and when printed, the Membership Roster as an issue). 

Some member comments remind me of something the great 20th century entertainer Eddie Cantor said in the late 1940's after the nation of Israel was formed.  He suggested that people stop wringing their hands bemoaning the new nation had a questionable future; instead those people should do something to help.    You want membership to grow?  Next "season" take your K-F or Willys product to some of the local old car shows in your respective areas and talk to those interested interested in info on your vehicles about the cars and the club.  Show them Bulletins with cars for sale, parts availabilities and talk up the club.  If people don't see cars they don't think they exist anymore, and if they don't know how the club can help owners (especially newcomers) or know the club exists for that matter how can they join it?


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Re: Life Memberships
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2018, 01:00:34 PM »
OH OH looks like were heading  off the deep end again !


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Re: Life Memberships
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2018, 02:12:23 PM »
Dear bustedwing.  Our club has been in existence for over sixty years and it has been fine tuned by those thousand members who have contributed their time and effort to make it happen so that we have all of the benefits and fine publications and information that is available to us now.  The club is what it is and we like it this way.  You have been a member for a very short time and have already made 245 comments on the club forum mostly complaining about the club or its lack of benefits or its officers and volunteers.  We are disappointed that you are unhappy with us and I personally will be happy to refund your membership cost so that you will not be bothered by us anymore.  Just let me know if you would like that.  If not please join in and enjoy our benefits as they are and stop complaining.  Gordie Chamberlin
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 02:18:26 PM by Gordie »
Member #3151 Since June 1974
Vice President K.F.O.C.I. 2013-2017  President 2018-2019
'47 Graham Paige Frazer                                   
'51 Kaiser Deluxe club coupe       
'51 Kaiser customized convertible 
'52 Allstate serial#39
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Re: Life Memberships
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2018, 02:57:54 PM »
This is not a public and free forum.  It was started by, paid for, and is monitored and maintained by the Kaiser Frazer Owners Club Inc. and we have sole control over it and we can and do eliminate users that are abusive or who we feel are not in the best interest of KFOCI and its members.
Member #3151 Since June 1974
Vice President K.F.O.C.I. 2013-2017  President 2018-2019
'47 Graham Paige Frazer                                   
'51 Kaiser Deluxe club coupe       
'51 Kaiser customized convertible 
'52 Allstate serial#39
'53 Aero Eagle
'54 Aero Eagle Custom


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Re: Life Memberships
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2018, 03:11:12 PM »
I am not a KFOCI member but use the forum often.   Gordie, Fid, and Joe Frazer are great people.  I admire them. I am also friends with some KF guys who are NOT on the forum, ever.   For me it is simply a function of the lack of space, as far as being an "owner" member.  Space and time are limited.  If someone wants to buy my 1990 Buick Reatta convertible for $4400, then I'll buy a couple of KF products.  And become a member again. 

You know darn well that all old car clubs are challenged. Many don't have a great forum like this one.  ++ for KF right there.  I owned a Hudson and their website is bare bones.  Studebaker has a good website but it's not as user friendly as this one.  On the AACA website forum, your comments would get you banned. Permanently.   I know, I am banned there!

Moderation is largely non existent here.  Despite that, if you asked a normal question, these great folks would answer you with knowledge if they could.   And others who frequent less often like Terry, etc. 

Membership in most old car clubs will continue to decline.  I don't agree with Jack that anything can be done about it.  It's a "perfect storm" of issues that will see old car clubs go by the wayside in the next 70 years.  Old cars will mostly be left to museums, and a few collections.  In 70 years, all cars will be solar powered, or electric. How we view hobbies and collecting items will demonstrably change.  We will all have passed away. 

Enjoy the cars now, enjoy the club for what it can provide now, including this great forum.  I suspect KFOCI membership will decline by 3-4% annually. 

Supply of all collector cars greatly exceeds interested participants. Given a choice between a 1948 Kaiser to restore and dump $20,000 or more into, or a 1969 Chevy Camaro, well, the choice is obvious. Not comfortable for us who appreciate what KF did, but understandable. 

PLEASE, give the negativity a break over the holidays.  Your comments are not going to change the club direction.  If you do not feel the membership is a value, then please do not participate.  You will certainly get a better magazine by joining the AACA.  6 times a year.  But even that organization will have to prioritize in the coming years. 

When I started collecting cars 38 years ago, the hobby was a cheap enjoyable alterative. Parts were scavenged from junk yard cars, a restoration was done in one's garage, and accepted as decent.  Now, a person might get laughed at at show n shines for what was a pretty decent restoration 30 years ago. 

All of these aspects play a part in where we are at today.  For the KFOCI to provide more than what it does now, the dues would have to be what? $150 a year.   For slick better produced and more frequent magazines I guess. 

All I know is that the folks in KFOCI I have communicated with are GREAT people I should be ashamed of myself for collecting Buick Reattas.  Presently.  Dave Antram, Rudy, Fid, Gordie, Terry, Jim L and all the others thank you for your passion. 
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 03:15:21 PM by Roadmaster49 »
No old cars owned.

Terry T

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Re: Life Memberships
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2018, 11:05:09 AM »
Dear bustedwing.  Our club has been in existence for over sixty years and it has been fine tuned by those thousand members who have contributed their time and effort to make it happen so that we have all of the benefits and fine publications and information that is available to us now.  The club is what it is and we like it this way.  You have been a member for a very short time and have already made 245 comments on the club forum mostly complaining about the club or its lack of benefits or its officers and volunteers.  We are disappointed that you are unhappy with us and I personally will be happy to refund your membership cost so that you will not be bothered by us anymore.  Just let me know if you would like that.  If not please join in and enjoy our benefits as they are and stop complaining.  Gordie Chamberlin