Author Topic: Is it just me???  (Read 9715 times)


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Re: Is it just me???
« Reply #60 on: September 16, 2019, 09:42:23 AM »
Just an observation...I keep reading that someone created a page “unofficially” ...why not just create an Official page and give it a try! At this point there’s nothing to lose but potential members. I just don’t get it. Its such a simple networking tool. What am I missing? It costs nothing unless you want to boost particular posts for events to increase visibility. (I run one for my band and reach 2500+ people who have a common like for it and want us for events and communication)...I still think the Club is/has missed a golden opportunity. Again...look at the traffic on the Kaiser pages. 🤔

Exactly!   EXCEPT...……...this forum needs to link to the EXISTING groups. A permanent post at the top of the group page with links to here AND the main club page.
I can tell you from personal experience, starting new FB group pages at this point and trying to overcome the momentum the existing groups currently enjoy is almost not even worth trying.

I have no idea who moderates the very popular KF group, or the smaller Henry J &  Darrin pages...………..but one of this clubs members is a moderator on the Aero group. A few keystrokes to post the link...…….and it's done.

Obviously someone thinks there's a problem. What's the downside?
Fully restored '54 Aero Lark
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Re: Is it just me???
« Reply #61 on: September 16, 2019, 11:06:06 AM »
I keep reading that someone created a page “unofficially” ...why not just create an Official page and give it a try!

Until that FB page was recently removed the club could not start a page named KFOCI/Kaiser Frazer Owners Club Intl. Now that that barrier is removed, there are logistics to sort out ... the 2 most important being: who will be the administrator, and will it be "open" to anyone or just club members?

Please remember club officers, board members and "staff" are all volunteers. Some still work, some don't have spare time, some use their available time/talents for other needs within the club, and some just aren't into social media. Until we can sort things out, please be patient. In the meantime the Forum is still here. If you have ideas to improve it, start a thread to share them, see what support you have, and petition the Webmaster.

And go enjoy participating in the many varied FB groups to share your love for KFW cars. We need ambassadors to promote the club.
Barbara Mueller
1952 Henry J Corsair deLuxe
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Re: Is it just me???
« Reply #62 on: September 16, 2019, 12:54:30 PM »
I see two options to linking to FB group pages. One is to simply have a permanent link that stays at the top of the different FB group pages to connect to the current  "Official KFOCI Club" internet page and this forum...……….and expose the club & club forum to their existing (& increasing) daily traffic flow.

The other is to start your own new "Official" FB group page and start a head to head competition from scratch with existing groups that are so far ahead that I think it would be a wasted, and failed effort. After all, there's already been one (unofficial) publicly "Official KF group" that was an abject failure in attracting traffic compared to the one everyone already uses.

Either way that appeals most to club leadership, use that top of the page "advertisement" to promote the Club site, this searchable forum archives for useful info, and memberships...……...even adding associates is better than continuing the membership losses.
Fully restored '54 Aero Lark
Rusty '58 Austin Healey 100-Six
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Re: Is it just me???
« Reply #63 on: September 16, 2019, 01:35:05 PM »
Mark, I personally don't know how to link FB pages, or if it can even be done.

And don't I believe I have the right/authority to do it, or to lock the KFOCI "banner & links" on FB pages that belong to someone else.

If you are so determined that it should be done and have the knowledge of how to do it then you need to contact the FB page owners for permission and make it happen.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2019, 01:40:55 PM by Bulletin Editor »
Barbara Mueller
1952 Henry J Corsair deLuxe
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Re: Is it just me???
« Reply #64 on: September 16, 2019, 09:24:09 PM »
Just throwing out some info for what it’s worth and then I’ll be done with this topic as I agree it’s probably too late now. I understand there were some issue with a previously named page. All that needed to be done was add the word “official” or “The” or any word and have a new page. I restore vintage drums and a number of my makes have for example: Rogers group 1. This page is dedicated to conversation, tech assistance, pic posting(a forum)...then there’s Rogers group 2...dedicated to buy, sell, trade (even though it could easily be done on page 1, it’s just the rule admins enforce...and literally, those are the names! So, A similar name that was inactive is easy to identify. That is not an obstacle to create it.

Regarding admins, you can appoint current page has 5. Should a member depart, admin status is changed by another admin(3 clicks). Appoint new any time.

Suggestion for the page: set up as a closed group. Public can see the home page only, but applies to page by clicking a join button, then admins’s a 30 second process. Admins are alerted to new membership, ok’d, then content is visible to the member.

Monitor posts. If it’s a super secret club member topic...refer it/them to the forum. It’s ALL connected. The initial set up is 10 minutes tops. After that the page runs itself! And those that have experienced lengthy wait periods for acceptance into the forum, there is none of that.

There’s the info. I’m not asking for a new tab or category. It is what it is...and difficult, it is not. Since finding new/potential members has been a common topic, this actually lets them find us. Well, at least the unofficial pages that are going great.🤔
« Last Edit: September 17, 2019, 06:37:05 AM by njpatera »

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