Author Topic: 1952-1953 Kaiser fender script  (Read 500 times)


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1952-1953 Kaiser fender script
« on: February 13, 2020, 03:46:34 PM »
We are thinning our parts shelves.  These are only fair condition scripts.  The three 'deluxe' scripts in a row are $25 each, and then the next row include a pair of 'Kaiser' and 'deluxe' script (back row) for $25.00 for the pair, and then (front row) a pair of 'Kaiser' and 'deluxe' script, each missing one post for $15 for the pair. Postage is extra but will be minimal.  Robert Dayton, 3213 Lake Dunmore Road, Leicester, Vermont 05733  802-247-3337