Author Topic: no Kaiser-Frazers at car shows  (Read 1877 times)


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no Kaiser-Frazers at car shows
« on: January 23, 2021, 04:15:00 PM »
Y'know, what with the pandemic I've been spending and enjoying a lot of time watching the old car shows on You Tube.  However one thing that bothers me is the fact that out of the dozens and hundreds of cars I've seen, I've not been able to spot one Kaiser or Frazer! Don't KFOCI members attend these shows?  Do members only attend KF conventions and events?  Seems a shame that Kaisers, Frazers, Henry J's, Willys are not represented at all at open car shows.  I keep reading how the KFOCI wants to grow and develop more interest in our cars.  It seems as though open car shows would be at least one way to promote our cars.  The big three along with Packard, Studebaker, Hudson, Nash, and a few Willys dominate these shows. 
Anyone have any thoughts as to why KFOCI is missing from these shows?

Kory Fox

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Re: no Kaiser-Frazers at car shows
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2021, 06:31:11 PM »
As soon as mine is back on the road it will be at as many local shows I can get to. But that will still probably be a couple years from now.


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Re: no Kaiser-Frazers at car shows
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2021, 06:54:45 PM »
The two of you hit the membership problem right on the head!

When people don't see our cars at their area/local general old car shows (hot rod/custom and single make events hosted by dealers selling the promoted make of car are naturally exempted) spectators (an otherwise untapped pool of potential new car owners/members) feel that Because there are no K-F or Willys vehicles present their owners are afraid to take them anywhere and probably need any replacement parts hand-made so they are two expensive and if somebody got one there is no place they can go to for parts leads, help, etc.   Barbara took our 1952 HJ Corsair deLuxe to shows in our area (we got the car in June 2017) and each year (except 2020 when there were no shows) we were able to get 1 or 2 new members.  If we had 200 members who would go to their local shows with their K-F or Willys products they might have the same results.  I would guess that most, if not all of these new members otherwise would have not joined the club for the reasons I have outlined  here.

When you take your car (or one of your cars) to a local general old car event, you need to stay with your car rather than disappear until the show ends.  There will be people who stop, look, look again and want to ask you questions about your car.  This is the opening that can be used to promote the lower-cost of owning the car and availability of parts sources by showing them copies of Monthly Bulletins.  You can promote the club and give the curious an honest evaluation of KFOCI membership.    Since Spring 2018, I've written articles for the Quarterly  about making an inexpensive way to show off your car, where to get information on your  car(s) and so on.

Let's get out of the death spiral and build the orgainzation back up to the 2,000+ membership we had in the late 1970's and 1980's.  We need to stop the slide in membership; since 2010, the club had a net LOSS of ov er 400 members or close to 50% of our current member level (regular members and associate members). 


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Re: no Kaiser-Frazers at car shows
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2021, 02:15:23 PM »
The two of you hit the membership problem right on the head!

When people don't see our cars at their area/local general old car shows (hot rod/custom and single make events hosted by dealers selling the promoted make of car are naturally exempted) spectators (an otherwise untapped pool of potential new car owners/members) feel that Because there are no K-F or Willys vehicles present their owners are afraid to take them anywhere and probably need any replacement parts hand-made so they are two expensive and if somebody got one there is no place they can go to for parts leads, help, etc.   Barbara took our 1952 HJ Corsair deLuxe to shows in our area (we got the car in June 2017) and each year (except 2020 when there were no shows) we were able to get 1 or 2 new members.  If we had 200 members who would go to their local shows with their K-F or Willys products they might have the same results.  I would guess that most, if not all of these new members otherwise would have not joined the club for the reasons I have outlined  here.

When you take your car (or one of your cars) to a local general old car event, you need to stay with your car rather than disappear until the show ends.  There will be people who stop, look, look again and want to ask you questions about your car.  This is the opening that can be used to promote the lower-cost of owning the car and availability of parts sources by showing them copies of Monthly Bulletins.  You can promote the club and give the curious an honest evaluation of KFOCI membership.    Since Spring 2018, I've written articles for the Quarterly  about making an inexpensive way to show off your car, where to get information on your  car(s) and so on.

Let's get out of the death spiral and build the orgainzation back up to the 2,000+ membership we had in the late 1970's and 1980's.  We need to stop the slide in membership; since 2010, the club had a net LOSS of ov er 400 members or close to 50% of our current member level (regular members and associate members).

I did one of these this last summer...a weekly show at a local bowling alley that was rather ignoring the gov't. edicts against gatherings.

When we pulled in we were directed by one of the organizers (obviously a woman of discernment) to back into a slot up front...always fun to do in a car with manual steering, but I stayed nearby the entire time we were there, talking up KF cars, disseminating all and sundry info about our car and KF in general that I could to every interested party.

And I probably talked to at least 20 people about our car and KF that evening...

I intend to do the same this next year.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 02:16:58 PM by konrad »
51 Kaiser Deluxe

Bob G

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Re: no Kaiser-Frazers at car shows
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2021, 03:52:26 PM »
We take the Kaiser to 3-4 local shows each year with the result that many people love the car and a number also remember them from their youth. There have not been any local shows due to the virus.
'54 Kaiser Special
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Bob G

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Re: no Kaiser-Frazers at car shows
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2021, 03:55:57 PM »
However the Kaiser, '54 Special, is out every two weeks for a drive. Typically resulting in at least someone asking about and complementing the car!
'54 Kaiser Special
'64 Studebaker GT Hawk


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Re: no Kaiser-Frazers at car shows
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2021, 04:36:17 PM »
I have a high end 57 Ford e code Conv. And A Beautiful 63 Rivera, but my all origonal 55 Aero Bermuda draws more attention, maybe its the roof rack and vintage luggage or the Wally World bumper sticker or the fact that they have no idea what it is.  And they always want pictures.  Funnest.
- 55 Willys Bermuda - 57 Ford E-CODE Sunliner - 63 Riveria - 97 Chev K10 - 99 Ford Lightening - 04 jag VDP - 1998 Jag XK8. 07 Lincoln - 08 Taurus X. All old like me.