Author Topic: 1947 FRAZER PRODUCTION STATISTICS PROVE IT!  (Read 3146 times)


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« on: January 17, 2023, 07:58:47 PM »
Fans and owners of 1947 Frazer and Frazer Manhattan automobiles may not believe this bit of trivia but it is not only confirmed by production statistics printed in issues of AUTOMOTIVE NEWS magazine as well as factory monthly numbers:

AUTOMOTIVE NEWS reported that production information they had showed for the period 1/1/47 to 5/31/47, total production of Frazers (Standard and Manhattan types, total) was higher than production of Kaisers for the same period, 18,856 to 18,062.  By the end of June 1947, Kaiser-Frazer's monthly production counts (which at times were more accurate than the weekly magazine's numbers) showed a total of 30,774 Frazers and 30,183 Kaisers were built since production for dealer/distributor sales began in May, 1946.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 09:02:54 PM by kaiserfrazerlibrary »