Author Topic: Orphan Car Meet - Morgantown, PA  (Read 3093 times)

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Orphan Car Meet - Morgantown, PA
« on: March 17, 2024, 10:53:45 AM »
There is an upcoming, July 23-27, 2024, orphan car show and swap meet at the Classic Auto Mall, Morgantown, PA (, in south central PA. The Studebaker Drivers Club (SDC) Atlantic Zone is the sponsor. This will be an indoor swap meet and car show within a very large building. I am in KFOCI and SDC. We invite orphan car owners to attend and show their vehicles. My '54 Kaiser Special will be in the show. There will be parts vendors, local tours, and food. The host hotel, Holiday Inn, is attached to the Classic Auto Mall. Hotel phone is 610-286-3000 with a $109 rate (good until 7/1/24). Entry is free to the auto mall.

Contact for the meet and show is Jim Sinclair, 717-413-8157. I would like to get a flyer and notice for the meet into our next bimonthly K-F-W magazine. Information with how to do that would be appreciated. Would also appreciate help in getting this information out to other KFW owners who aren't regularly using this website (e.g., facebook users). Thank you, Bob Godwin