Author Topic: El Dorado Fall Meet 1949 Kaiser Vagabond takes "Orphan Award"  (Read 1223 times)

Jeri Conklin

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El Dorado Fall Meet 1949 Kaiser Vagabond takes "Orphan Award"
« on: September 11, 2010, 03:44:05 PM »
Bob and Shirley Gilzean's 1949 Kaiser Vagabond took the "Orphan Award" at the El Dorado Fall Meet held in conjunction with the Roamin' Angels Car Show in Grass Valley, CA this weekend. There were over 800 classic cars and our club showed up with eight Kaiser cars in the show, my 1949 Frazer on show in my photo album and one Kaiser in the parking lot! More pictures to follow as the members return home from a great weekend! As a new member and for the first time meeting everyone that came to the show from our club, I have to say "we had the best looking cars of the whole show and everyone was just the greatest!" I can hardly wait to get my Frazer running in the next show for real and not just in a photo album!
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 07:47:02 PM by Jeri Conklin »