Author Topic: DARRIN PROPOTYPE??  (Read 1107 times)

Terry T

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« on: August 03, 2011, 06:51:14 AM »
A local hot rodder told me of a Darrin prototype that was getting a new interior at a local trim shop.
I know of Prototype X8 that is in the next town so at first I thought it may be that one.
A trip to the trim shop revealed that this so-called prototype was indeed a Woodill Wildfire II.
I screened-up pics on the net to show the shop owner the true facts and he should inform the owner, who bought the car believing it was a Darrin.
He took a position that he did not want to burst the bubble of his "paying customer"!!
We may see this car for sale as a Darrin prototype in the near future.
Then the proverbial "other shoe will drop"!!!


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« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2011, 10:04:21 AM »
There are more and more stories sufacing of people who have purchased old cars because the owner thought the car was a something-or-other compared to what it was.  If the owner of the Wildfire was told by the seller of the car that it was a Darrin prototype, when the owner finds out the truth he may have a very good case to sue the seller for fraud and mis-representation.  The business owner who did not want to "burst the bubble" could also be named as a co-conspiritor for witholding the info that the car was not a Darrin.

Caveat Emptor (let the buyer beware) and the idea of performing due dilligence to determine what you are actually looking at (and buying) used to work as a defense in the courts.  These days, however, courts are not always accepting these concepts.