Author Topic: Radio part on ebay  (Read 1572 times)


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Radio part on ebay
« on: August 03, 2012, 06:14:07 PM »
I'm posting this because some folks on here bought KF radios to install and still may be looking for parts. Often times the face cover is missing. There is one for sale on ebay right now but it is not KF issue.
I think this one is for the after-market Motorolla radios I've seen in some later KFs -

Here's what the KF issue ones look like.
This one was used in the early 1951 Kaisers which had the same GE radio that was used in the 1949-51 Frazers:
The early 1951 Kaisers have a hump in the firewall to accomaded the GE radio. The later '51s all through to the 1955s do not have that hump and the GE radio will not fit them..

Here's the KF issue one that was used on the later 1951s through to the 1954 Early Specials:

You can see the difference and they do not interchange. I've run into some irate buyer who got the wrong one more than once.

Here's the one that's on ebay:

You can also see the difference. This one may work for the later type with some modifications and for the opening bid you won't get hurt too bad if you want to find out. This is also probably a pretty rare part as not too many had the Motorolla radio.
I'm posting this thread so users of the forum can see the difference.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 06:20:31 PM by Fid »
1953 Henry J Corsair Deluxe
Edgar Kaiser's custom 1951 Henry J
1951 Kaiser Special
1952 Allstate Deluxe

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Re: Radio part on ebay
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 07:17:22 PM »
The third one looks like an original Kaiser radio delete plate that has been drilled and cut to mount some unknown brand of radio in a Kaiser.


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Re: Radio part on ebay
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2012, 09:08:46 PM »
You're absolutely right rialto. I didn't notice that but upon closer examination, that's exactly what it is. As old car restorers/owners we all know that sometimes you have to improvise! It appears to be cut a little different so it probably was cut for an aftermarket radio. Maybe someone can use it. Cool stuff.
1953 Henry J Corsair Deluxe
Edgar Kaiser's custom 1951 Henry J
1951 Kaiser Special
1952 Allstate Deluxe

Need your classic car radio repaired? I repair vacuum tube radios