Author Topic: 1951 Frazer Brake Shoes  (Read 2863 times)


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1951 Frazer Brake Shoes
« on: October 05, 2012, 09:28:05 AM »
I have been working on the brakes on my 51 Frazer since I figured it is a good thing for the car to stop while driving but the literature and resources I have make me very confused. The 51 Parts List has two different shoe part numbers (200180 & 206782) for the 515 model with 2 sets of 4 shoes marked of each - thats 16 shoes!  FYI - there are different part numbers for the 0.030 over shoes as well and that is not what I as refering to. 

When I took off my hubs (that should be a whole other post of how my father-in-law and I built a hydraulic hub puller since NOTHING else would pop the rear hubs off) I found that the 4 shoes in the front had the short lining pads on all, the right rear (pass) had two long lining pads, and the left rear (drvr) brake and one of each.  Completely puzzling to me and I just assumed who ever did the brakes last time used what they could find and thus the different shoes on the driver side rear. 

So what shoes should a 51 Frazer have?  I have purchased a set of Wagner PAB53 shoes for the front already but unsure of the proper shoes for the rear.  Looking for any suggestions.  I also have noticed that there are different wheel cylinders listed in the same 51 Parts List book.

And thank you for having all the info I need in one source!  Great site and keep up the great work - it is appreciated.
1951 Frazer (standard)
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Re: 1951 Frazer Brake Shoes
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 11:51:06 AM »
1951 Frazers used two different types of shoe, the standard style used by all other KF full size cars before and after, and a self-adjusting version. The self adjusting version is easy to spot because one of the shoes has a large hole in it's center with a plug inserted. If you don't have this style shoe on the car, then you have the standard 200180 shoes, which are the same as PAB53.

Each wheel should have a long and short shoe (one of each). It sounds like someone installed them incorrectly in the past. When you reinstall, put the log shoe on the forward side of the hub and short shoe on the back side of the hub.

The wheel cylinders do differ front to back and side to side. For the fronts use 200197 and 200198 and for the rears use 200199 with the standard style shoes.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 11:53:38 AM by joefrazer »


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Re: 1951 Frazer Brake Shoes
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 12:08:18 PM »
So then is there another set of replacement shoes I can get for the long pads?  Seems like all I can find is the short shoes. 
1951 Frazer (standard)
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Re: 1951 Frazer Brake Shoes
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2012, 01:34:37 PM »
If you have the old shoes, all you need to do is have them relined. The lining material should be 2" wide, 13/64" thick, the lining on the forward shoe on all 4 wheels should be 12 1/4" long, the lining on the rear shoe on all 4 wheels should be 10 1/32" long. Also, if you have a few minutes, please go to "Kaiser Forum", scroll about 1/2 way down the first page to "Brake shoes on a 1948 Kaiser and read. All good information.



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Re: 1951 Frazer Brake Shoes
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2012, 01:54:49 PM »
Thanks Gary - good info.
1951 Frazer (standard)
Empire Region Manager