Author Topic: 8 volt batteries  (Read 1467 times)


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8 volt batteries
« on: April 16, 2014, 10:36:36 AM »
Both of the minimanly molested Henry Js now on ebay have 8 volt batteries.
Jim Brown aka Corsairdeluxe
10 Henrys and 1 ALLSTATE
behind me. J less at the moment and having irrational thoughts.


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Re: 8 volt batteries
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2014, 05:51:03 PM »
I've expressed my views on them. To take my point further, if I felt my six volt system was not adequate, I'd convert to 12 volts as opposed to 8 - it makes more sense.  The 8 volt thing I'm sure is for those who want better starting but as I've mentioned, and as is stated on Walcks 4WD Jeep site, if you have the proper gauge battery cables and good clean connections, the 6 volt battery will spin the starter over just fine, just like they did when it was designed and when it was new.

Both of those ebay cars are '53s which means they have Delco-remy starters. One problem is the Delco starter has a larger solenoid on it and the starter buttons in them have to pass a lot more current than the Autolite units. If the starter button has been hot at all, the contacts get carbonized and act like resistors and will no longer supply adequate current to the solenoid. The 8 volt batts may have been installed as a possible remedy for that when a new starter button from any tractor dealer will usually fix it.

We have discussed the powder blue one on here with the restorer / owner last fall - it's a very nice piece of work. And a '53 without a trunk lid is a bit unusual. I hope it finds a good home.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 06:01:32 PM by Fid »
1953 Henry J Corsair Deluxe
Edgar Kaiser's custom 1951 Henry J
1951 Kaiser Special
1952 Allstate Deluxe

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Re: 8 volt batteries
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2014, 10:39:22 AM »
I have 8 volt batteries in both of my Kaisers and am pleased with the robust starting. I did have a reducing resister installed to limit voltage to my radio to 6 volts. I don't drive normally at night so brighter bulbs not as problem . I didn't want to change to 12 volts so going 8 seemed the best answer to get my cars going in cold weather


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Re: 8 volt batteries
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2014, 01:40:24 PM »
As FID mentioned above, as I'm a Newbie, I was wondering why my 1951 Henry J wasn't "turning over" fast enough. I was paid a visit by 3 members of the K-F Club and one of the first things that was noticed, the previous owner had installed 12 volt cables to the battery. A friend made up larger diameter "aircraft grade" cables....Now the starter spins like crazy. Also, the positive ground cable was "grounded" to the generator bracket. It was rerouted to the block.

So, as I'm finding out, sometime, the simplest fixes correct the problems. Why replace the battery, starter or other parts, when all it could be were the cables.
