Author Topic: 51 Henry J overdrive transmission specs  (Read 5009 times)


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51 Henry J overdrive transmission specs
« on: June 08, 2014, 12:24:13 AM »
Good evening all.  I have a couple of questions that I hope someone can help me out.
I have the engine and transmission from a 1951 Henry J Deluxe.  The car has the 161 L-Head six and the Borg Warner (I believe T96) 3 speed with overdrive setup.

I have a need to remove the engine and replace it with a physically shorter (height wise) engine for now, but eventually intend to move the original engine back and lower into the car (yes, I know I'll have to move the cross brackets, make new motor mounts, shorten the drive shaft and re-engineer the steering.  (I would rather not discuss that part of the project right now please).

I haven't disassembled anything yet, as I don't want pieces/parts laying around for an extended period of time.  I realize that there will be some "gotcha" moments along the way, but hope that a little research, planning and prep will keep the actual dis-assembly, fabrication and wrap-up to a minimum.

The information I am looking for is the specs on the following:
Type and size of connection between the engine (crankshaft) and flywheel and the shaft diameter. Is this bolted, splined, keyed, smooth, etc.  If splined, which side is mail and which is female.
Type of connection and size of connection between the flywheel and clutch. - shaft diameter, bolted, splined, keyed, smooth, etc.  If splined, which side is mail and which is female.
Type of connection between the clutch and input shaft of the transmission.   - shaft diameter, bolted, splined, keyed, smooth, etc.  If splined, which side is mail and which is female.
Transmission output shaft specs.  I know it has a yolk on it, but is it welded, keyed, splined, etc. and what is the diameter.
Also, do the engine and transmission rotate clockwise (towards the passenger side) or counter clockwise (towards the drivers side) as viewed from a person sitting in the drivers seat and looking towards the front of the car.
Thank you for any and all help that can be provided.

 input shaft of the transmission. What is the diameter and how many splines are there. - I may or may not be using the

retired wrench

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Re: 51 Henry J overdrive transmission specs
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2014, 05:14:41 AM »

 I would suggest you study a good manual or search the net for pictures. All cars use the same type system. As to sizes maybe someone will chime in. All motors I can remember turn clockwise when viewed from the FRONT.


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Re: 51 Henry J overdrive transmission specs
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2014, 07:24:06 AM »
This is a start.

Be forewarned ,This transmission was not designed for high horsepower.
Jim Brown aka Corsairdeluxe
10 Henrys and 1 ALLSTATE
behind me. J less at the moment and having irrational thoughts.


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Re: 51 Henry J overdrive transmission specs
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2014, 09:42:13 AM »
I had a clutch dampening spring break on my Henry J a few years ago. When I repaired it I took a lot of  pictures.
Here's a picture with the clutch housing removed -

Here's one of the clutch removed and the broken spring coil still laying in the flywheel.

And here's the end  of the crankshaft with the flywheel removed - six fasteners; 4 bolts with nuts, two alignment studs with nuts:

I didn't count splines or anything like that but these pics should help.

1953 Henry J Corsair Deluxe
Edgar Kaiser's custom 1951 Henry J
1951 Kaiser Special
1952 Allstate Deluxe

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Re: 51 Henry J overdrive transmission specs
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2014, 07:32:09 PM »
Thank you all for the replies, and I photos. 
I 'll check out the link, and certainly look forward to any and all additional replies that might help.

Corsairdeluxe, don't worry... I'm not putting MORE horsepower into it. - Shoot me an email ( and I'll share more of what I'm trying to do.

