Author Topic: Celebration of Life for Blanche Mericle  (Read 3165 times)

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Celebration of Life for Blanche Mericle
« on: May 24, 2014, 09:02:45 AM »
You are cordially invited to a CELEBRATION OF  LIFE for Blanche Ronette Berkey Mericle, who passed on 1/3/14.

Due to a horrible blizzard and freezing temps, most of her family & friends could not attend the funeral service. The family has chosen the date of Saturday, June 21, 2014, at 11:30 am for a memorial service at Hillside Cemetery in Belleville, MI. (Hillside Cemetery, turn right at the 1st light (Denton Rd) into Belleville city, coming South On Belleville Rd. from Ex-way)

There will be a Celebration Toast afterwards at: Bob Evans in Belleville, MI (Bob Evans is just ¼ mi. West of Belleville Rd on U.S. 12, North of Belleville & Ex-way I-96 You’ll turn RT. [No Left], on Belleville, Rd go East to make a [MI Turn-around] to go West on US 12)

For more information, contact Blanche's nephew, John Hoyt, at: 616-874-8119. The family will be at The Comfort Inn, in Belleville, for that weekend. KFOCI members may also contact Keith Kreiner at: 574-250-1768. Lodging and meals at your expense.

KFOCI and Seaway Members are encouraged to bring/drive your K-F-W or other favorite ‘Olde’ auto for “The Last Harrah” for Blanche!! You know , Blanche ‘LIVED’ to be the Center of Attention, “Do It Her Way” for the show prep, and talk & have fun with all of you!!

See more on Blanche, Kenny & Loralee at the Family History Site Page link:

NOTE: John is currently processing all the Mericle photos, albums, documents for the family, friends & auto friends to share. A project of going through 20+ boxes and bins and digitally scanning them, they will be posted on the family web page within the next 2 weeks. Anyone who wants to go through these photos, albums & documents, can contact him at  John will also bring many of these Car Show Photos & Albums with him to the Celebration / Tribute for Blanche.

Posted at the request of John Hoyt

Barbara Mueller
1952 Henry J Corsair deLuxe
KFOCI Secretary
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Re: Celebration of Life for Blanche Mericle
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2014, 01:44:33 PM »
I was lucky enough to spend an hour or two with Blanche at Sweetwater, looking at pics of her past: family and KFOC. She could ID most everybody in the pics. I spent some time with her in Indiana last summer but not as much as Sweetwater. Blanche was a real hoot and she will be missed. I didn't know Ken very well but Loralee and I were friends and she is still missed.
Rick Kamen
KFOCI LM4314 since 1979
Willys Aero Survival Count
1954 Willys Aero Eagle "Old Toby"
1964 Ford Econoline panel van
Once owned 11 other Willys Aeros and a Willys wagon, 2 Kaisers, 1 Henry J, plus Studebakers, Hudsons, a Nash and others.


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Re: Celebration of Life for Blanche Mericle
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2014, 06:50:01 PM »
Blanche hailed from Windber, PA...just down the road from where I lived. She was part of the Berkey clan...a large family back then...and today. She and I talked for quite some time a few years ago about life in Cambria county when she was growing up.

She was quite a lady!

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Re: Celebration of Life for Blanche Mericle
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2014, 09:20:20 PM »
To All - Hello Everyone!!

I am sending this link out to all those that came on Saturday the 21st, and for those that couldn’t make it, or some whom might be interested in watching this final Har-rah for Blanche at the Mericle’s Hillside cemetery, in Belleville, MI site.

Thank You!! for those that made the extra effort & expense to make it to Blanches Celebration of Life and Condolences to the families, saying Tributes then attending Bob Evans Restaurant afterwards, and to continue to go to the Ypsilanti Auto Heritage Museum the next day on Sunday.

I was so glad to meet; Donnaleen Lanktree, Terry Trasatti, Gilbert & Rosemary Chesney, Blanche’s Son-in-Law-family of Mark, Melissa & Jack Dierks, friends of Blanche & daughter Loralee, are Margaret Waggoner, Keith Kreiner & Norm Campbell, and that my brothers were there also. Cousins attending were: Carl & Gayle Bellman, Jeri Lester, Bob Watkins, Hope (Phetteplace) Gregg.   

Direct Link of Blanche’s Celebration/Tribute - Video-Photo Slideshow of 27 minutes (has sound & music near end):

Note: This video may take a while to start for buffering as its 255,000 MB's and it may start in, Firefox with your own Default, Video Player, or, in Windows Explorer, this video may go Automatically to Quicktime Player, and plays either in a small window or if you wish to go to "full screen" option. Also, you may wish to change your volume to diff. sections of this Video. Enjoy The Tributes!

*Note: (see below), Sorry, as (1) video section was corrupted and I have recovered it on Audio Only, and it's on Gilbert Chesney's Tribute & Condolences to the Families of Blanche from the National KFOCI and they will have a Special Toast to her at end of this year's Annual Show out in WA. Also, Gilbert is from the Ypsilanti Auto Heritage Museum, in Ypsilanti, MI nearby. And on Donnaleen Lanktree, (the A.R.R.A. American Rosie-The-Riveter, National Past-President) Tribute, and her delivery of the Annual Conv. Association's, recent Tributes to the Rosie’s that have passed-on, this year, by giving the Family, accepting was Blanche’s Nephew, John E. Hoyt a White Rose, in name of Blanche, and also the Plaque at Yankee Air Museum will not be forgotten as her name was installed on this Plaque, back in June of 2013..)

The Family hopes you will ENJOY this video of that day and of the photos that are old to recent!!

Please Visit the websites below or the Locations...


Thank You again!!

John Hoyt

Barbara Mueller
1952 Henry J Corsair deLuxe
KFOCI Secretary
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