Author Topic: KAISER AT CAR SHOW  (Read 848 times)


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« on: November 02, 2014, 01:25:21 PM »
I was at the Tucson AZ Cops & Rodders car show Nov. 1st and I saw Mark Nathensons 1953 Kaiser manhattan, what a beautiful car. It was great to see another Kaiser at a local car show or any car show for that matter. He did a magnificent job of restoring his car. I hope to see him and his car at other shows and the National.
I took my 3 Darrins to the show and Mark and I won an award.
I hope more Kaiser people will get there cars to car shows.
Here are some pictures.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 01:29:10 PM by darrin502 »
LM #1068
1954 Darrin # 103
1954 Darrin #  60
1954 Darrin #  51
1954 Darrin #  91
1954 Darrin # 394
1954 Darrin # 193
1959 Corvette
1968 Corvette
1968 Mustang
1959 Austin Healy Bug Eye Sprite
2002 Limited Edition Camaro