Author Topic: Kaiser Supersonic I6 questions/advice.  (Read 5412 times)


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Kaiser Supersonic I6 questions/advice.
« on: October 07, 2009, 06:23:14 AM »
Hello all!  I've been pointed here by a friend in my search for more info.

Here's what I have.

1955 Willys 4wd Utility truck...

And its sporting the 226 CID Kaiser Supersonic I6...  And some mouse dwellings, since removed...

Been in a barn for nearly 20 years.  Crank isn't seized, thankfully, and she turns over pretty nice.  (ATF+marvel mystery oil went into each cylinder and had about an hour to soak in before the first cranking began.)

My main question is what is the correct firing order.  I'm told its 1-5-3-6-2-4.  Is this correct?  If it is then I suspect I have some stuck open intake valves.  (lots of "oh crap the carb caught fire again" while trying to start it...)

In general is there anything specific about this engine I should be aware of or to look for?  What's the proper timing procedure.  Line up the mark on the pulley with the indicator and that's TDC on cyl 1, right?

Any help is appreciated!


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Re: Kaiser Supersonic I6 questions/advice.
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2009, 07:00:20 AM »
Great project! It is very common with stuck intake valves on these engines and it will blow fire out of the carb mind your hair I didnt, lost some there! It is possible to get them to work properly without tearing down the engine You will have to do some work thru the valve covers on the side of the engine but its possible.


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Re: Kaiser Supersonic I6 questions/advice.
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2009, 11:26:21 AM »
Also, I believe the distributor rotates counter-clockwise so people often mistakenly install the plug wires in reverse order. Pull the cap and turn it over and see which way the rotor turns to be sure. It may be all you have is the plug wires in reverse order... not that I have ever done that...   The stuck valve is a possibility too but make sure the wires are correct with dist rotation before digging into it.
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Re: Kaiser Supersonic I6 questions/advice.
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2009, 09:56:07 PM »
Also, I believe the distributor rotates counter-clockwise so people often mistakenly install the plug wires in reverse order. Pull the cap and turn it over and see which way the rotor turns to be sure. It may be all you have is the plug wires in reverse order... not that I have ever done that...   The stuck valve is a possibility too but make sure the wires are correct with dist rotation before digging into it.

I owe you an adult beverage!  That was exactly it.