For the past few weeks, the brake pedal seems spongy at times on my 52 Henry J. Some days, it is spongy all day. Then the next day, not spongy at all. Hate to tear it apart when it is not always spongy. No sign of any leaks anywhere.
then, I took my 51 kaiser deluxe out today, and I found the brakes on it feel spongy too. Brake fluid is fine in both cars. Besides spongy feel, brakes work great.
Just tonight I finally figured out the issue, and I want to share it with all of you so if you ever have the same problem, you won't be mad at yourself like I am.
About three weeks ago, my wife bought me new Nike High Top basketball shoes (I need the ankle support). They have a spongy type sole. Right where the shoe touches the brake pedal!
So, if your brakes are spongy, check your shoes!!!!!!!