Author Topic: Darrin Brake Pedal "stem and plate" removal from pedal arm  (Read 3491 times)


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Darrin Brake Pedal "stem and plate" removal from pedal arm
« on: February 09, 2024, 02:13:23 PM »
hi all -- I may have the part names wrong, but trying to figure out how to remove the brake pedal shaft (stem?) that passes through the firewall from the pedal arm in the engine area.  (The clutch pedal is engineered exactly the same).  There is a single nut that appears to hold this stem to the pedal arm -- but even after removing that nut, the stem will not release from the pass-through hole on the pedal arm.  I'm hitting it with Kroil everytime I visit the car, but it won't budge.  Can I loosely attach the nut (to protect the threads) and gently tap ?  It's hard to keep the whole assy from moving.  Is that pass-through hole is threaded?    Any suggestions?   (I looked but didn't see any other topics on this exact issue in the forum... )
Wade D.  
1954 Darrin #100 (originally owned by my dad)


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Re: Darrin Brake Pedal "stem and plate" removal from pedal arm
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2024, 06:22:37 AM »
It's almost a press fit so separating the two is difficult. I ended up wedging the pedal to the floor so the nut was away from the body and used some heat to break the bond.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 07:22:43 AM by joefrazer »


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Re: Darrin Brake Pedal "stem and plate" removal from pedal arm
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2024, 11:18:06 AM »
Thanks -- will give it a try!   **** EDIT:  worked perfectly, thanks JoeFrazer.  I used a block of wood to brace the clutch pedal away from the firewall, then applied heat to the pedal arm "receiver" for a few seconds;  then, tapped on the nut (backed out to protect the threads) on the pedal shaft -- the shaft popped out.    The brake pedal wasn't as easy:  it wouldn't budge, so I couldn't get it away from the firewall.  Instead I removed the pin where the pedal arm attaches to the master cylinder assy (it's not an "eccentric bolt" as indicated in the service manuals.... odd??) which allowed the pedal shaft assy to move freely.   Keeping it away from the firewall, I applied heat, tapped, and it came out.   Thanks again!
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 11:25:06 AM by Darrin100 »
Wade D.  
1954 Darrin #100 (originally owned by my dad)