Guys, its with mixed emotions that I report selling my 54 Kaiser Manhattan.

Enjoyed the last 8 years of restoration but just seemed like the timing was right. Those of you on this forum who are KFOCI members know I advertised its availability in the April Bulletin. Happy to report its going to a club member to park beside his 54 Willys.
Most of all want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to the many of you on this chat forum (any others who are not) who helped me over the years with technical advice and support.

I don't want to name names for fear of missing know who you are. Let me say you guys are awesome and what keeps our club and these beautiful cars on the road.
I've leared a lot about these great cars over the 33 years I've been a member of KFOCI and don't expect any of that to change.
Is there another Kaiser in my future...."Only the Phantom Knows!!!"

Hope to see you at the National in July!
Best Regards...Mike Fleming