I need to correct a few things that may have been mis-understood.
First off, Fred Walker gave me NOTHING! I never said that, in fact I tried to indicate that Fred had no interest in putting anything down on paper...it might come back to haunt him later on.
Second, I am not in the restoration, auto mechanics or auto body business and hever have been other than a helper on occasion, working with someone else on a project. I am also not in the parts business, although I may, on occasion sell small amounts of surplus or trade them for other things I want. Because of legitimate and necessary provisions in the Constitution and By-Laws of the club, a person cannot be both Club Historian and Chief Judge at the same time. Also, it should be noted in the interests of full disclosure that between work schedules and travel costs, Barbara and I don't get to National Conventions that often these days, and I don't see that changing in the near future unless the meet is close to home (Cleveland OH area).
Third, I continue to gather materials to help fill gaps in my information files on things K-F, Willys and so on. I have repeatedly shared this info with others at no cost other than (when required) photo copy and postage expenses. I have also taken profolios of materials and binders of documents to meets I am able to attend. Remember, this is stuff I paid for out of my own pocket and is mine, not the club's. If I stop being Club Historian, the material stays with me so any replacement would have to come into the job with their own files, photos, etc.