I am in the middle of an F-Head rebuild. Words of advice; Magnaflux everything block and head flywheel, etc, most all of these old cast iron pieces have some cracks. My original head had at least 6 major cracks and was not usable, thanks to Mark on this group I got a replacement head that has minor cracks but is usable. Depending on where the cracks are they may still be usable. I needed to sleeve one cylinder, a second cylinder already has a sleeve. Cracks around several valve seats in both head and block means I am having new valve seats installed. Deep scratches on the crank means I had to have the journals ground .020 under and polished. Cam is being polished, it looks like I don't need a re-ground cam, that is a good thing.
I would be surprised that it is possible to bore this engine .080 over. That may have been a typo, but maybe not. It would seem the wall thickness would be getting pretty thin and are .080 pistons and rings available? That would be a nice bump in displacement and HP, I would think.
Pulling the engine is very easy, there is a lot of room. I pulled the engine after separating the transmission and bell-housing, however I think I will try to install them after mating them. Getting one of the bell-housing bolts was difficult because how close it was to the firewall.