Directed at everyone but focusing on Jack - since I recently re-aquired my dad's '51 Kaiser Special, I was reading through the handbook about that model. I see the paint/trim combination for it was not listed. I don't know if the intention is to make the list of combinations as complete as possible but here's the info on the car: Model K511, paint 130 (Horizon blue), Trim 1169 (not listed in the Handbook or Last Onslaught On Detroit).
I do have a picture of the original door panels before they were redone so it may give an idea of what Trim Code 1169 was/is:

He took them to SMS in Portland and this is what they matched it to:

I tried to take a picture of the data tag yesterday but it is bit dark in the shed where the car slumbers for the winter months so the picture is not real clear: