Author Topic: Where is it now?  (Read 702 times)


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Where is it now?
« on: June 15, 2016, 10:56:40 PM »
In late 1959 when our club was new a member wrote to Joe Frazer curious about his involvement in Kaiser Frazer and of the history of the K.F. Corp. Mr Frazer wrote him back and said that he had much corporate history at his home in Newport,  Rhode Island and if the writer would like to come to his home he would give him much of his paperwork and also if the club was interested in a Frazer car he still had his own car and he would give serious consideration to  donating it to us.  I understand that the writer let much time lapse and Frazer donated the car to someone else.  If you want to read the whole story it is available in the Vol 1 #5 issue of our Kaiser Frazer Quarterly and it has a nice copy of Joe Frazer's letter to our club member.  The article mentioned that there was a museum in the East that wanted the car and perhaps that is where it went.  It would be interesting to know what kind of a Frazer it was and if it still exists somewhere.  We have lost out on several big donations over the years because we do not have a Foundation or a place to properly store and display donated cars and memorabilia.  Because of our small size and the cost of that endeavor it will probably never happen.  There are several members with large K-F collections but who knows where it will end up when they are no longer the caretakers.  That issue of the Quarterly also had two '51 Frazer convertibles listed for sale for $400.00 each.  Go to to see copies of any of the older Quarterlies.  They are great reading about our early club activities!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2016, 11:49:44 AM by Gordie »
Member #3151 Since June 1974
Vice President K.F.O.C.I. 2013-2017  President 2018-2019
'47 Graham Paige Frazer                                   
'51 Kaiser Deluxe club coupe       
'51 Kaiser customized convertible 
'52 Allstate serial#39
'53 Aero Eagle
'54 Aero Eagle Custom