Author Topic: New Parts Resource for California!  (Read 1335 times)

Jeri Conklin

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  • 1949/1950 Frazer
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New Parts Resource for California!
« on: February 20, 2010, 10:11:26 PM »
I spent today walking among a graveyard of just under 10,000 automobiles. The section I was in had at least 4 Kaisers and several Frazers! I got the back seat and gas tank I needed out of one of the 1948 Frazers. Tried to get the steering wheel as it still had the coating on the grip. It just wasn't coming off however. I did get car plates off the firewall and door post for those I could get. Most of these cars are rusted, but have a lot of good stuff in them still in pretty good shape. In the 1948 Manhatten I got my back seat out of - it had in perfect shape 4 of the push buttons to open the doors. What a neat design. I realize I forgot to take a picture of them. The crests on the inside (the push button part) are in perfect shape and not scratched. There are emblems and scripts and mascots for both Kaiser, Frazer, and Manhatten.

If you call Jerry Turner at Turner's Auto Wrecking, (559) 237-0918 in Fresno, CA he can tell you exactly what he has and the shape and condition it is in. The '48 Frazer I got my back seat and gas tank off of still had the original engine and key in the ignition and a radio and nice dashboard instruments. All the glass was without cracks. The engine hasn't been touched because they haven't been able to get the hood up which is why I couldn't get a picture of the firewall plate. So all of that is untouched and probably runs. These cars are in a lot with some weeds on the fringes but not growing up underneath them. I just saw a few of the many he has along with every other make and model of antique car! There were several other lots with Kaisers and Frazers on them. AND, Jerry has for sale what he describes as a complete and ready to drive 1954 Manhatten that has been housed under a shed for the last few years. From what I could see of it, it was nice looking and in great shape -a few layers of dust was all. I have some pictures but am too tired to get them up tonight. Please tell Jerry I passed his name onto you - I'm Jeri from North of Sacramento with the Frazer back seat. Hope you can use this info.