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Messages - Capn Frazer

Pages: [1]
Kaiser Forum / Re: Bleeding Brakes
« on: May 21, 2009, 11:11:08 PM »
Hey, fellers, why don't you all save yourself a lot of trouble and money by just getting a long, long piece of clear vinyl hose from the hardware store...10 or 12 feet should do, make sure it is about 1/8" inside diameter, then (A) loosen the first (right rear) bleeder just a half turn, and jam the end of the hose onto the bleeder nipple.  (B)Then take the other end of the hose and put it into the master cylinder reservoir, and clip in in place with an old wooden clothespin.  (C)Then have your lovely wife (or idiot son) slowly pump the pedal down to the floor, over and over...slowly... and watch the bubbles go thru the transparent tubing. When the bubbles come no more, tighten the bleed nipple, tell the L.W. (or I. S.) to let off the brake pedal. (D)Then repeat the same process on the left rear, then the right front, and finally the left front.  Cost of equipment: $2.50 for the vinyl hose! Cost to take L.W. (and I.S.) out to dinner: $45.52.

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