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Messages - JohnFKolb

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: How to test a 51' Kaiser radio ?
« on: October 31, 2013, 11:57:46 PM »
All good info to have.  I'd hate to have someone buy it and not be able to use it.

General Discussion / How to test a 51' Kaiser radio ?
« on: October 31, 2013, 09:31:36 AM »
My father recently (late April) passed away.  At one point in his life, he owned a '51 Kaiser.  When he sold it, he kept the radio.  I once asked him why, and he stated that it was a good radio that he wanted to keep as a shop radio (my grandfather owned a service station). 

About 10 years ago, I encouraged him to sell it to someone who would actually put it back into a Kaiser.  I put him in contact with a Kaiser mailing list.  He tested the radio (it worked then) but never followed through with selling it. Now that he's gone, I'd like to get this radio into the hands of someone who will put it back in a car or at least use it in some way, if only for parts.  I'd like to test it to determine if it works, because, well, buyers want to know.

Is there anyone in the Baltimore-Washington area that can help me with that ?  Failing that, can someone walk me through the procedure ?  I don't even know if this is 6 volt or 12 volt, positive or negative ground, etc., and I'm afraid of blowing it up (letting the magic smoke out) if I do it wrong.

I'll be able to post pictures later this evening, provided the trick-or-treaters don't keep me too busy.

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