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Messages - Lancerossell

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Monthly President's Message
« on: September 16, 2016, 11:02:34 AM »
Joe, your the only guy on line....I haven't figured out this site yet but I joined because I,have a 51
Frazer that is complete, good body, and restorable.  I would like to know its value and sell it to,a restorer.  I need some help and I'm pretty sure one of your members would like to know about it.

General Discussion / Re: NEW site
« on: September 15, 2016, 02:38:01 PM »
I am a new guy who just joined. I have a 1950 Frazer which was in a shed for 50 years.  The car is complete and the body is good.  Motor is froze I'm sure.  I would like help pricing it and will send pics
On this site if I can ever figure it out or through email.
I'm at

Pages: [1]